Module sui::dynamic_object_field
Similar to sui::dynamic_field, this module allows for the access of dynamic fields. But unlike, sui::dynamic_field the values bound to these dynamic fields must be objects themselves. This allows for the objects to still exist within in storage, which may be important for external tools. The difference is otherwise not observable from within Move.
- Struct
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Macro function
- Macro function
- Macro function
- Macro function
- Macro function
use std::ascii;
use std::bcs;
use std::option;
use std::string;
use std::vector;
use sui::address;
use sui::dynamic_field;
use sui::hex;
use sui::object;
use sui::tx_context;
Struct Wrapper
public struct Wrapper<Name> has copy, drop, store
- name: Name
Function add
Adds a dynamic object field to the object object: &mut UID at field specified by name: Name. Aborts with EFieldAlreadyExists if the object already has that field with that name.
public fun add<Name: copy, drop, store, Value: key, store>(object: &mut sui::object::UID, name: Name, value: Value)
Function borrow
Immutably borrows the objects dynamic object field with the name specified by name: Name. Aborts with EFieldDoesNotExist if the object does not have a field with that name. Aborts with EFieldTypeMismatch if the field exists, but the value object does not have the specified type.
public fun borrow<Name: copy, drop, store, Value: key, store>(object: &sui::object::UID, name: Name): &Value
public fun borrow<Name: copy + drop + store, Value: key + store>(object: &UID, name: Name): &Value {
borrow_impl!(object, name)
Function borrow_mut
Mutably borrows the objects dynamic object field with the name specified by name: Name. Aborts with EFieldDoesNotExist if the object does not have a field with that name. Aborts with EFieldTypeMismatch if the field exists, but the value object does not have the specified type.
public fun borrow_mut<Name: copy, drop, store, Value: key, store>(object: &mut sui::object::UID, name: Name): &mut Value
public fun borrow_mut<Name: copy + drop + store, Value: key + store>(
object: &mut UID,
name: Name,
): &mut Value {
borrow_mut_impl!(object, name)
Function remove
Removes the objects dynamic object field with the name specified by name: Name and returns the bound object. Aborts with EFieldDoesNotExist if the object does not have a field with that name. Aborts with EFieldTypeMismatch if the field exists, but the value object does not have the specified type.
public fun remove<Name: copy, drop, store, Value: key, store>(object: &mut sui::object::UID, name: Name): Value
public fun remove<Name: copy + drop + store, Value: key + store>(
object: &mut UID,
name: Name,
): Value {
remove_impl!(object, name)
Function exists_
Returns true if and only if the object has a dynamic object field with the name specified by name: Name.
public fun exists_<Name: copy, drop, store>(object: &sui::object::UID, name: Name): bool
Function exists_with_type
Returns true if and only if the object has a dynamic field with the name specified by name: Name with an assigned value of type Value.
public fun exists_with_type<Name: copy, drop, store, Value: key, store>(object: &sui::object::UID, name: Name): bool
public fun exists_with_type<Name: copy + drop + store, Value: key + store>(
object: &UID,
name: Name,
): bool {
exists_with_type_impl!<_, Value>(object, name)
Function id
Returns the ID of the object associated with the dynamic object field Returns none otherwise
public fun id<Name: copy, drop, store>(object: &sui::object::UID, name: Name): std::option::Option<sui::object::ID>
public fun id<Name: copy + drop + store>(object: &UID, name: Name): Option<ID> {
let key = Wrapper { name };
if (!field::exists_with_type<Wrapper<Name>, ID>(object, key)) return option::none();
let (_field, value_addr) = field::field_info<Wrapper<Name>>(object, key);
Function internal_add
public(package) fun internal_add<Name: copy, drop, store, Value: key>(object: &mut sui::object::UID, name: Name, value: Value)
public(package) fun internal_add<Name: copy + drop + store, Value: key>(
// we use &mut UID in several spots for access control
object: &mut UID,
name: Name,
value: Value,
) {
add_impl!(object, name, value)
Function internal_borrow
public(package) fun internal_borrow<Name: copy, drop, store, Value: key>(object: &sui::object::UID, name: Name): &Value
public(package) fun internal_borrow<Name: copy + drop + store, Value: key>(
object: &UID,
name: Name,
): &Value {
borrow_impl!(object, name)
Function internal_borrow_mut
public(package) fun internal_borrow_mut<Name: copy, drop, store, Value: key>(object: &mut sui::object::UID, name: Name): &mut Value
public(package) fun internal_borrow_mut<Name: copy + drop + store, Value: key>(
object: &mut UID,
name: Name,
): &mut Value {
borrow_mut_impl!(object, name)
Function internal_remove
public(package) fun internal_remove<Name: copy, drop, store, Value: key>(object: &mut sui::object::UID, name: Name): Value
public(package) fun internal_remove<Name: copy + drop + store, Value: key>(
object: &mut UID,
name: Name,
): Value {
remove_impl!(object, name)
Function internal_exists_with_type
public(package) fun internal_exists_with_type<Name: copy, drop, store, Value: key>(object: &sui::object::UID, name: Name): bool
public(package) fun internal_exists_with_type<Name: copy + drop + store, Value: key>(
object: &UID,
name: Name,
): bool {
exists_with_type_impl!<_, Value>(object, name)
Macro function add_impl
macro fun add_impl<$Name: copy, drop, store, $Value: key>($object: &mut sui::object::UID, $name: $Name, $value: $Value)
macro fun add_impl<$Name: copy + drop + store, $Value: key>(
// we use &mut UID in several spots for access control
$object: &mut UID,
$name: $Name,
$value: $Value,
) {
let object = $object;
let name = $name;
let value = $value;
let key = Wrapper { name };
let id = object::id(&value);
field::add(object, key, id);
let (field, _) = field::field_info<Wrapper<$Name>>(object, key);
add_child_object(field.to_address(), value);
Macro function borrow_impl
macro fun borrow_impl<$Name: copy, drop, store, $Value: key>($object: &sui::object::UID, $name: $Name): &$Value
Macro function borrow_mut_impl
macro fun borrow_mut_impl<$Name: copy, drop, store, $Value: key>($object: &mut sui::object::UID, $name: $Name): &mut $Value
macro fun borrow_mut_impl<$Name: copy + drop + store, $Value: key>(
$object: &mut UID,
$name: $Name,
): &mut $Value {
let object = $object;
let name = $name;
let key = Wrapper { name };
let (field, value_id) = field::field_info_mut<Wrapper<$Name>>(object, key);
borrow_child_object_mut<$Value>(field, value_id)
Macro function remove_impl
macro fun remove_impl<$Name: copy, drop, store, $Value: key>($object: &mut sui::object::UID, $name: $Name): $Value
macro fun remove_impl<$Name: copy + drop + store, $Value: key>(
$object: &mut UID,
$name: $Name,
): $Value {
let object = $object;
let name = $name;
let key = Wrapper { name };
let (field, value_id) = field::field_info<Wrapper<$Name>>(object, key);
let value = remove_child_object<$Value>(field.to_address(), value_id);
field::remove<Wrapper<$Name>, ID>(object, key);
Macro function exists_with_type_impl
macro fun exists_with_type_impl<$Name: copy, drop, store, $Value: key>($object: &sui::object::UID, $name: $Name): bool
macro fun exists_with_type_impl<$Name: copy + drop + store, $Value: key>(
$object: &UID,
$name: $Name,
): bool {
let object = $object;
let name = $name;
let key = Wrapper { name };
if (!field::exists_with_type<Wrapper<$Name>, ID>(object, key)) return false;
let (field, value_id) = field::field_info<Wrapper<$Name>>(object, key);
field::has_child_object_with_ty<$Value>(field.to_address(), value_id)